OBDSTAR X300 PAD License Expire Error Code 101 Solution (FREE)
When your OBDSTAR X300 DP or X300 DP Plus subscription has expired you can use the device normally except new update and functions requires online access. Recently some users reported that after made a software update they cannot load anything. Here comes the OBDSTAR official solution without a software subscription.
Solution: Download DiagProgram APK, reinstall old APK and install the new one.
Here is the instruction to delete or install DiagProgram APK for the old OBDSTAR X300 DP or X300 DP Plus.
Free Download OBDSTAR X300 DP/DP PLUS DiagProgram V3.8.3 APK
How to Uninstall OBDSTAR APK?
1. Open the tablet to the main page and find the APK
2. Long press the APK icon and drag it up to the application information to make the font color blue
3. Release your hand, jump to the application information screen, click the uninstall update button in the upper right corner
4. Two pop-up boxes will appear, both click the OK button
APK is successfully uninstalled.
How to Install OBDSTAR APK?
1. Insert the TF card or U disk with Diagprogram_V3.8.3.apk into the card slot of the machine
2. In the menu screen of the tablet, open ES File Explorer as shown below
3. Open the file browser, choose sdcard you insert and select the SD card contents
4. Click on APK
5. Press Install button
Click the Finish button to complete the installation of the APK.
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